Add:Economic Development Zone, Yuanbaoshan District, Chifeng, China

Poultry Feed Supplement
Performer ws
Faster weight gain
Composition: per gm of powder:
Vitamin A -------------3000IU Vitamin C---------20mg
Vitamin D3------------1500IU Vitamin K3-------2mg
Vitamin E -------------2mg Ca-----------------10mg
Vitamin B1----------- 2mg Nicotinamide---20mg
Vitamin B2 ----------4mg Carrier ad --------1g
Vitamin B12 --------10ug
The performer W.S has high stimulation effect on performance of productivity such as improve egg production,increases growth,improves feed conversion and used as prophylactic supplement during periods of diseases and stress. Also providing prophylactic and therapeutic effects for Gastrointestinal,respiratory and urinary infections.
Not Recommended for human,Animal use only.
Keep out of reach of children, store in cool and dry place,protect from direct sun light .
Dosage and Administration :
For Broiler and layer:
0.5per 1L of drinking water or 100gm mix with 100kg feed
For Breeder(layer and broiler):
1gm per letter of drinking water or 200gm mix with 100kg of feed
Amino Acid & Vitamins Improve nerve impilse Improve T&R Lymphoid Optimizes feed utilization
Performer WS
EOSC Building block immune cell Weight and Egg production
Withdrawal Period: No withdrawl Period
Pack: 100gm & 200gm Pack.
Manufactured by :
Inner Mongolia Huatian Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd
Economic Development Zone,YuanBaoShan District,ChiFeng City,Inner Mongolia Province,P.R. China.
Company website:http://www.thugian24h.net/